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Risk Assessment Calculator

How It Works:

  1. Inputs:

    • Expected Return: The anticipated annual return on investment as a percentage.
    • Volatility: The standard deviation of returns as a percentage, which measures variability (higher means more risk).
    • Risk Tolerance: A scale of 1-10, where 1 is very risk-averse, and 10 is very risk-tolerant.
  2. Risk Calculation:

    • The formula uses volatility minus expected return to generate a baseline risk score.
    • The score is adjusted by the inverse of the user’s risk tolerance (11 – risk tolerance) to reflect their personal comfort level with risk.
  3. Output:

    • The risk level is classified as:
      • Low Risk: Score ≤ 10.
      • Moderate Risk: Score > 10 but ≤ 20.
      • High Risk: Score > 20.
  4. Responsive Design:

    • The layout works on all screen sizes and devices.

This calculator provides an easy way for users to evaluate the risk level of potential investments relative to their personal tolerance.

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